13 January 2009

30 Years Old

LAST WEEKEND MARKED the 30th anniversary of the Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) -- the school where I now work. There was a huge fête on Saturday night with speeches, food, wine, and live music (our very own CIV Jazz Band). The administration also created a small brochure that highlights some of the basic facts about the school. Some of them I did not know. The CIV at a glance:

  • 800 collège students (grades 7-9)
  • 800 lycée students (grades 10-12)
  • offers the Baccalauréat Option International in English, Spanish, Italian, German, and Russian
  • offers options in S (sciences) ES (economics & sciences) and L (literature)
  • has 103 students also cross-enrolled in L'Ecole Supérieure de Danse de Cannes.
  • 300 prépa students
  • 193 teachers
  • 832 beds for boarding students
  • 1 cinema with 250 seats
  • 2 restaurants that can seat 520 people in total (open 7 days/week)
  • 22 hotel rooms (in case you want to visit your kids)

There are other things in the brochure that look like their interesting, but I can't read it because it's in French.

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